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Who is the Air-Water PAC system for?

  • For fans of 2 in 1, or even 3 in 1

  • For the chilly and chilly

  • For the thrifty

  • For green people

Air-to-water heat pump: a 2 in 1 solution

Why choose between living comfort, ecology and financial savings when you can have it all thanks to the air-water heat pump? Indeed, the air-water heat pump uses free and renewable energy, air, to provide heating and even domestic hot water in your home. Enough to keep you warm at a lower cost, while preserving the environment. Its operating principle makes it a particularly interesting solution in regions with a mild climate such as PACA. Its installation is possible both in renovation or in new housing. What more ?

Operation of the air-water heat pump

What is an air-to-water heat pump?

Let us first see what the designation air / water means: the 1st term designates the external energy source (here air), while the second term indicates the way in which this energy is returned (here water).

Operating principle of the air-water heat pump

The air-water heat pump therefore works on the principle of aerothermal energy. As its name suggests, it “pumps” the calories from the outside air, then transforms them into heat in order to heat the water which will then be distributed through the heating circuit (radiators, underfloor heating, fan coil units. water) and that of domestic hot water.

Its operation is simple. Present in the outdoor unit, a compressor (motor) circulates a refrigerant which will collect and transport the calories between the outdoor and indoor unit (split pumps).

Pompe a chaleur air eau

outside air, then transforms them into heat in order to heat the water which will then be distributed through the heating circuit (radiators, underfloor heating, water fan coils) and that of the domestic hot water.

Its operation is simple. Present in the outdoor unit, a compressor (motor) circulates a refrigerant which will collect and transport between the outdoor and indoor unit (split pumps) the hot calories present in the outdoor air in order to heat through a gas / water exchanger, the water present in your central heating and DHW circuit. The circulation of this water in your heating elements will allow you to heat the indoor ambient air, as well as your domestic hot water.

The heat pump is often coupled with another heating system, but the most efficient models can heat a house without additional heating in temperate regions.

The air / water heat pump differs from the air / air heat pump which, for its part, restores heat in the form of hot air to increase the temperature inside the home.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Pompe a chaleur air eau

Air-to-water heat pump: how to choose?

The COP, an important selection criterion

The COP, or Coefficient of Performance of a heat pump is a good indicator to assess the efficiency of a pump. The higher the number, the more efficient the device. And the more efficient it is, the greater the thermal comfort and the savings generated. So be sure to choose your heat pump based on this score.

Low or high / medium temperature heat pump?

The installation of a heat pump is possible both in renovation and in new housing. Also, the choice of the heat pump must be made in particular according to the type of heating elements already in place or planned in your home, because each heating element corresponds to a temperature and to each temperature its heat pump corresponds.
We distinguish :

- Low temperature heating elements (heated floors)

- Medium temperature heating elements (cast aluminum radiators in general)

- High temperature heating elements (cast iron radiators)

The advantage is therefore to be able to keep its classic radiators by opting for a high / medium temperature heat pump and to reduce the amount of work accordingly.

Note, however, that the energy efficiency of an air-to-water heat pump is maximum with low-temperature heat emitters. It is therefore particularly suitable for heated floors which also offer real thermal comfort.

Heat pump: one or two units?

There are two types of air-to-water heat pump. Depending on the region and the configuration of the house, one or the other model will be preferred.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • The monobloc heat pump brings together all the elements within a single unit positioned outside the home. The hydraulic network is started directly from this unit. The advantage is that it saves space inside the home.

  • The bibloc or split heat pump is made up of 2 units: the outdoor unit, which includes the compressor, is connected to the part inside the home which supplies the central heating network. In this case, the hydraulic module is therefore installed inside the house. It is the most common model in France and the most efficient.

We strongly recommend that you contact a professional to determine the heat pump suitable for your equipment and your environment.

Pompe a chaleur air eau

Advantages of the air-to-water heat pump

The air-water heat pump is a heating solution with many advantages.

From energy savings to financial savings

  • The air-water heat pump is a 2-in-1 energy saving solution, since it allows both the production of heating and domestic hot water. If you opt for a reversible air-water heat pump, you will even get a 3-in-1 energy-saving solution: your pump can also serve as a cooler during hot periods.

  • It is also a high-performance and economical solution with excellent efficiency since it makes it possible to restore 3 to 5 times more energy than it consumes.

  • The existence of numerous financial aids considerably reduces your initial investment.

  • It is estimated that the work pays for itself on average in 7 years.

  • The lifespan of an air-to-water heat pump is long, it is estimated at 20 years. Your investment is sustainable.

  • It enhances your assets in the event of resale.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Air-to-water heat pump: an ecological heating system

It is a sustainable heating system that respects the environment since it favors clean, free and renewable energy, namely air. Its energy efficiency, low greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability contribute to environmental protection.

Certainly, the heat pump consumes electricity, but in a small proportion. And by using clean, free and inexhaustible energy from the outside air, its CO2 emissions remain 3 to 4 times lower than those of conventional heating.
In addition, it is possible to couple the heat pumps with other systems producing renewable energy, such as solar photovoltaic or thermal energy in order to strengthen the ecological side of the heat pump.

Finally, heat pumps meet the requirements of RT 2012 and high energy and environmental performance labels.

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Air-water heat pump: simple installation for high comfort

  • It adapts to the main existing heating systems and can therefore be installed easily and inexpensively in renovation projects.

  • Its installation is simple and not very restrictive.

  • Its regulation provides optimum comfort by precisely meeting the needs of each household.

Pompe a chaleur air eau

Installation of an air-to-water heat pump

Can I install an air-water heat pump at home?

The installation of an air-water heat pump is simple and does not require too much work, even in the context of a renovation, since it easily adapts to most existing heating systems.

You just need to have:

  • From a garden, a courtyard or a front wall to install the outdoor unit.
    It is advisable to place the outdoor unit of the pump where the outdoor temperature is optimal: preferably on the south face and sheltered from the prevailing winds.

  • A central heating circuit to which the indoor unit is connected.

Air-to-water heat pump installation: why call on a professional?

Even if the installation of a heat pump is simple, it cannot be improvised. It requires specific technical skills and a good knowledge of the standards in force.

We recommend that you call on an RGE professional (Recognized Guarantor of the Environment) in order to:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Guarantee the optimal functioning of the device.
    Indeed, an RGE installer is qualified to carry out a complete study of the four essential criteria that influence your comfort and the savings you can generate: sizing, electrical energy consumption, COP or coefficient of performance and efficiency. .

  • To be able to benefit from state aid to reduce the amount of your investment.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Our installers travel throughout the PACA region to complete your project.

Price of an air-water heat pump

The cost of installing an air-to-water heat pump varies according to the desired functions: with or without domestic hot water, reversible or not.
Installing an air source heat pump is a significant investment but remains affordable compared to a geothermal or hydrothermal heat pump.
In addition, the investment quickly pays for itself since this system operates mainly with free energy, air.
Finally, the purchase of a heat pump entitles you to financial aid for energy renovation that is interesting and can be combined for some, which allows you to finance a significant part of your work.

Pompe a chaleur air eau
Pompe a chaleur air eau

Assistance for installing an air-to-water heat pump

Do you want to replace your old heating system with a heat pump? Know that the State and energy suppliers encourage you in this direction by offering various aids for the purchase and installation of a heat pump by a professional RGE (Recognized Guarantor of the Environment): CEE boost, premium “Heating boost”, Ma PrimeRénov, VAT reduced to 5.5%, zero-rate eco-loan, aid from local authorities, etc.

By combining several of these financial aids, you can therefore significantly amortize the purchase price of your heat pump.

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